Past Webinar
AB 685 – COVID19 Notification Requirement & How to Avoid a $25,000 Mistake
Thursday, December 3, 2020 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
On January 1, 2021, legislation that requires employers to provide notice of COVID-19 cases in the workplace will officially take effect. This measure, Assembly Bill 685 (Reyes, 2020), expands Cal/OSHA’s authority to issue Orders Prohibiting Use (OPU), otherwise known as ‘Stop Work Orders’, for workplaces that pose a risk of an “imminent hazard” relating to COVID-19, i.e., hazards threatening immediate and serious physical harm. It also requires businesses to notify workers who were on the premises with the person who has COVID-19 within one business day of notice of infection. That notice shall tell workers what type of sick leave they may be eligible for and the disinfection plan for the worksite. If three workers test positive within 14 days, the employer must report to local public health department.
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