Vendors/Suppliers Membership
If you’re not a member of the California Hotel & Lodging Association (CHLA), you’re missing out on countless ways to save valuable time and money every single day! Right now, approximately 300 organizations – your colleagues and your competitors – are taking advantage of terrific benefits that help their organizations run more efficiently and profitably.
When a lodging property in California requires goods and services, they usually start with CHLA Vendor Members first. They know that these are businesses that specialize in the lodging industry and know the needs in the industry. They know this will save them time and most likely money, and it ultimately benefits their staff and guests. These are the businesses that support the industry, and our lodging property members support the industry by supporting them.
For $1000 per year dues, CHLA Vendor Members receive:
- Complimentary listing in the bi-monthly California Lodging News Magazine
- Free detailed listing on CHLA’s Online Buyer’s Guide
- CHLA Property Member Listing
- Monthly Occupancy & Average Daily Rate Reports
- Construction & Renovation Reports
- Unlimited subscriptions to the monthly CHLA Industry Newsletter
- Member exhibitor discounts to CHLA events and sponsorship opportunities
- Reduced rate advertising in CHLA publications
- Significant discounts for member-exclusive programs
- No additional charge for California Association of Boutique & Breakfast Inns (CABBI) Vendor Membership, upon request
Membership or Sponsorship Questions? Please contact Erika Costa at (916) 554-2665 or eriKa@calodging.com.