Jennifer S. Flohr, CAE, CMP
Jennifer has been with CH&LA since 2003. She started off as a Membership Manager, but through several subsequent promotions from Director of Membership to Director of Meetings & Events has risen to her current position of Senior Vice President in 2010. Her vision for the future of the association is that it will continue to grow in membership so that its offerings in educational events and overall presence throughout the state will continue to grow as well. Jennifer received her CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) in 2008 and her CAE (Certified Association Executive) in 2010. She holds a degree in Journalism/PR from Chico State and if not in this business she would probably be running her own catalog or online retail website.
What are the five things that you can’t live without: My family (2 sons, and my husband), chocolate, seafood, chardonnay and sushi.
Favorite book: I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb