Michelle Donohue, CAE, IOM
Michelle is responsible for all phases of the association’s accounting, payroll, investments and building operations in her role as the Accounting & Operations Manager. She comes from an extensive association background with more than 30 years of association experience, 15 of which have been with CH&LA. Michelle truly enjoys what she does and can honestly say that she looks forward to coming to work each and every single day, in part due to the great staff that makes CH&LA such a rewarding place to work. She believes some of the biggest challenges ahead for the lodging industry will be presented through the legislative process. It is CH&LA’s duty to stay engaged regarding proposed legislation so as an industry, informed choices can be made as to what should and should not become law. Michelle earned her Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation in January 2015.
If not in this business, what would you be doing: I really love the outdoors and being in natural surroundings. I would have loved to have been a forest service worker.
Personal mission statement: All things happen for a reason; it is not for us to question why.
One thing most people don’t know about you: At one point in my early life I aspired to be an IRS agent.