TID/TMD Group Memberships
CHLA routinely receives calls from various Destination Marketing Organizations who are looking for operational resources, or legislative and regulatory information for their lodging members. We initiated this group membership program designed for Tourism Improvement Districts to be able to fulfill that need and provide all our valuable member benefits and resources to properties within the TID. This program is a way to provide CHLA membership to all of your lodging properties.
Tourism Improvement Districts (TIDs) join CHLA to strengthen their lodging programs through the provision of education, advocacy, and operational advice. CHLA is committed to extending further resources to our TID partners, whether through local advocacy efforts, supplying forecasting information, or conducting in-person/virtual seminars and training sessions.
In addition to CHLA membership, there also are unique opportunities for B&Bs and boutique inns to join CABBI, the California Association of Boutique and Breakfast Inns. CABBI has marketing benefits such as a consumer website, gift certificate program, travel blog and consumer e-newsletter.
Contact Sandra Oberle at CHLA for more information on this membership program available to groups at sandra@calodging.com or 916-554-2662.