BEST Printable Human Trafficking Prevention Toolkit

BEST Printable Toolkit is now available for people that work in the lodging industry. This kit includes indicator cards by lodging functions, prevention tips and printable resource cards for trafficking victims. The toolkit includes human trafficking indicators for Managers & Security, Front of House Staff, Housekeeping & Maintenance, and Food & Beverage staff.

BEST Human Trafficking Posters

As a member benefit, CHLA is pleased to offer two human trafficking posters for any member property to display in employee areas, break rooms or any other back-of-house areas. CHLA members can order these for your property, free of charge, by contacting Michelle Donohue at 916-554-2663 or


Human Trafficking Prevention Resources

The California Hotel & Lodging Association (CHLA) is working with members, state and federal agencies and other interested parties, to help the hotel and lodging industry better combat the abhorrent practice of human trafficking. Human trafficking – modern day slavery – is not just a problem in developing nations; estimates show that thousands of men, women, and children are trafficked in the United States each year primarily for sexual or labor exploitation. Trafficking networks often rely on legitimate businesses, like hotels, to sustain their operations and infrastructure.

CHLA encourages every hotel company and property to:
  • Educate employees to recognize and report instances of trafficking when perpetrated or attempted in or around hotel properties;
  • Establish policies and procedures for reporting of instances or suspected instances of trafficking;
  • Encourage other companies and parties in the hotel industry to join the fight against trafficking, and collaborate with those companies that have already done so;
  • Encourage business partners in the broader travel industry and beyond to educate their employees and take other necessary steps to combat trafficking; and
  • Work collaboratively with law enforcement and policymakers so that industry and government initiatives can be appropriately and efficiently integrated into a society-wide effort to combat trafficking.

AHLA No Room for Trafficking Campaign

No Room for Trafficking is an AHLA national awareness campaign that builds on the industry’s ongoing commitment and work to end human trafficking. Through elevating, assessing, educating and supporting the fight to end human trafficking, AHLA’s campaign will ensure hotel employees are continuously developing a better understanding of ways to identify traffickers and potential victims in hotels.

More Resources to Combat Human Trafficking: